What is this course about?
The Professional Review is the final stage in gaining the CIOB Chartered qualification. Successful candidates are entitled to use the designation MCIOB and the title Chartered Construction Manager.)
Who will be mentoring me?
Candidates will be allocated one of our Professional Review Assessors.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible candidates must have met the CIOB academic and experience requirements. Training LMS can assist with this at an early stage to confirm your eligibility. Qualifications can include an honours degree, relevant S/NVQ, and the CIOB’s Chartered Membership Programme.
What is involved?
The Professional Review involves the submission of an experience and competence report complete with supporting documentation including a CV, organisation chart, job description and CPD information.
What happens after the workshop?
The candidate then submits everything to a TLMS accredited assessor who assesses the application and makes a recommendation to CIOB to become a chartered member, when the required standard has been met.
Certificates available
How is it delivered?
Candidates are assisted via a mixture ofone to one telephone or videoc onferencetutorials and online webinars.
After an introductory chat with your tutor you will be directed to watch a series of short video presentations about each of the competencies. When you have completed three competencies you submit them for a review by the tutor who will give you both written feedback and discuss with you via a tutorial.
This process is repeated until you have completed the entire form and documentation.
What is involved?
Telephone or Video Tutorial Video Presentation
Tutorial 1
Introduction to the Professional Review and assessment of candidate’s personal requirements
PRESENTATION 1 Introduction and Methodology
PRESENTATION 2 The Other 5 Documents
PRESENTATION 3 Planning & Organising Work
PRESENTATION 4 Managing Health, Safety & Welfare
PRESENTATION 5 Managing Quality
Tutorial 2
Review and feedback of draft application to date
PRESENTATION 6 Implementing Sustainable Construction Development
PRESENTATION 7 Commercial, Contractual and Legal Issues
PRESENTATION 8 Communication
PRESENTATION 9 Decision Making
What is involved?
Tutorial 3
Review and feedback of draft application to date
PRESENTATION 10 Managing Information
PRESENTATION 11 Leadership & Strategic/Financial Management
PRESENTATION 12 Developing People or Teams
PRESENTATION 13 Innovation
Tutorial 4
Review and feedback of draft application to date
PRESENTATION 14 Professional Judgement and Responsibility
PRESENTATION 15 Rules and Regulations of Professional Competence
PRESENTATION 16 Continuing Professional Development
Tutorial 5
Final review and feedback
Submission of Application for assessment